Gold Award Winners


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Software Development

Software/Applications Development, Support & Systems Integration Integrating different technologies from multiple vendors within a single coherent ICT system is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today. With qualified software developers, partners, and employees, we ensure the quality of after-sales service and support for our end-users.

Structured Cabling

Network/ Infrastructure Management This is an essential tool for all organizations. It is the only way to meet the demands of high network availability and keep control of a network whose size and complexity change daily. Sunflash’s network design team will carefully analyze the network environment and then present a report high-lighting the benefits of

Access Controls

Identification, Authentication, and Authorization (IAA) Elements made of identification, authentication, and authorization. The world of information security is vast. There are many different kinds of attacks and various defenses against them.The measure that is put in place to regulate the individuals that can view, use, or have access to a restricted environment.

Our Services

Our professional ICT services team is experienced and ready to help you find solutions to your specific business and technical requirements. From migrating and updating legacy infrastructure to installing collaborative applications, through to adopting the latest private and public cloud technology.

Software Development

Software/Applications Development, Support & Systems Integration

Integrating different technologies from multiple vendors within a single coherent ICT system is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today. With qualified software developers, partners, and employees, we ensure the quality of after-sales service and support for our end-users.

Access Controls

Identification, Authentication, and Authorization (IAA)

Elements made of identification, authentication, and authorization. The world of information security is vast. There are many different kinds of attacks and various defenses against them.
The measure that is put in place to regulate the individuals that can view, use, or have access to a restricted environment.

Structured Cabling

Network/ Infrastructure Management

This is an essential tool for all organizations. It is the only way to meet the demands of high network availability and keep control of a network whose size and complexity change daily.

Sunflash’s network design team will carefully analyze the network environment and then present a report high-lighting the benefits of a tailored management system for customers.

Web Applications

Let's have a cup of Coffee

Why worry when skies are gray. Why should we complain? Let's laugh at the cloudy day.

What they say!

The 'A' Team

The ‘A’ Teams